Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015

2014 Schedule is ready!

We thank everyone for their patience.

Hawaii Photography Workshop, 5 days, $1800, 8 students: 2 instructors,
 January 6 - 10 
Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue, 2 days, $425, 9 students: 3instructors
April 5 - 6, July 19 - 20, August 16 - 17

Mountaineering Courses 
Twelve Day Mountaineering, $3200, up to 9 students: 3 instructors
April 22 - May 3
May 6 - 17
June 3 - 14
July 8 - 19
August 4 - 15
September 1 - 12

Fifteen Day Mountaineering, $3300.00, up to 9 students: 3 instructors
July 8 - 22

Denali Prep, 10 days, $3200, up to 9 students: 3 instructors
June 2 - 11

Six Day Mountaineering, $2150, up to 9 students: 3 instructors
April 27 - May 2
May 13 - 18
June 18 - 23
July 20 - 25
August 18 - 23
September 8 - 13

Advanced Mountaineering, 12 days, $3500, up to 6 students: 2 instructors
April 29 - May 10

Guided Expeditions
Denali, West Buttress, 21 days, $7000, 6 climbers:  2-3 guides.  
April 27 - May 17
May 5 - May 25
May 9 - May 29
May 11 - May 31
May 12 - June 1
May 19 - June 8
May 23 - June 12
May 26 - June 15
June 2 - June 22
June 9 - June 29
June 12 - July 2
June 16 - July 6
June 23 - July 13
June 25 - July 15
Denali West Rib21 days, $8200, 4 climbers: 2 guides
June 7 - June 27

Foraker, Sultana Ridge, 21 days, $8200, 4 climbers: 2 guides
May 17 - June 6

Alaska Range Expeditions, contact AMS for custom pricing.
Little Switzerland, multiple peaks
Mt. Hunter
Mt. Huntington
Mt. Russell
Moose’s Tooth

Custom climbs and expeditions are available on mountains throughout the Alaska Range, March through September.

Start date is the day we fly onto the glacier to begin our climb.

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