Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

When all the weather forecasts say the same thing you can be quite sure that the weather will do what they say it will. This morning, while walking in to the CIC Hut, I was thinking that this was the day that broke the rule. It rained and the wind blew and at least one team turned around thinking it would not improve. However, the forecasts were right, the sky cleared to give a sunny afternoon and Philip and I enjoyed a great climb on Tower Ridge.

Philip completed the Munro's many years ago and has gone on to enjoy many of Scotland's classic ridges. Today was a step up in difficulty for him which did not cause any problem at all. The rock was damp and we had a hail shower but the climbing was good and we had the route to ourselves.

There are still many snow patches in the gullies and one or two lower down as well. The lochain in Coire na Ciste only emerged from the snow a few weeks ago and there is still snow at the edge (bottom left of the picture above).

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