Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

Denali Update

Guides Todd Tumolo, Dusty Eroh and Team Taiwan checked in from the 11,000 foot camp. They say the weather is great. Tomorrow they will do a back carry to 9,600 feet.

Todd said that Nate Opp's 5/25 team is also at 11,000 camp.

Meanwhile, just a little lower on the mountain, AMS guide Mark Postle's 5/27 team is already at the base of ski hill at the 7,900 foot camp. They flew in yesterday evening, set up camp, caught a little sleep and probably set off down glacier sometime in the wee hours this morning. Now that the weather has warmed up people will travel during the night as the conditions on the glacier are better. Keep in mind we have about 21 hours of daylight now. The temperature at 7,200 foot base camp is 35 degrees F today!

Kahiltna base camp is at 7,200 feet but you descend about 500 feet to the main Kahiltna then ascend to your first camp; 7,900 foot camp. The distance is only five miles but it is done in a single carry. Meaning you carry everything with you in one go; pulling a sled and wearing a backpack. After this camp teams will do 'carries' of their gear. They will carry some of the gear to a higher elevation then descend to the lower camp to sleep. The following day they take the rest of the gear up and make camp at a higher elevation. This also allows climbers to acclimate to the elevation.

Here are some prior year photos from 7,000 to 11,000 feet.
Building camp at 11K

What the teams have to look forward to...11K camp is below. This is called Motorcycle Hill.

Teams resting along the main route near 7900 feet

Teams ascending to the 11K camp.

Snow walls around tents at the 11K camp.

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