Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

It was great to see lots of people out enjoying great rock climbing conditions on Ben Nevis today. There were teams on Titan's Wall, Centurian, Bullroar, Castle Ridge, Tower Ridge and I went up Ledge Route with Sarah, Scott and James. Having been up Ben Nevis before by the Pony Track and CMD Arete they were ready for the next step and we got a cracking warm sunny day for it.

There is still a great depth of snow in the narrows of Number Five Gully which was soft enough for kicking steps into. Once on Ledge Route there is no snow at all until on the plateau, just lots of dry grippy rock. Despite a little loose rock this is a great route to go up Ben Nevis, cutting through the north face crags with quite straightforward scrambling. On the way we looked at how you can use a group to make it more secure fro everyone by moving together, hooking the rope around blocks and anchors as you go.

We wandered up to the summit and made the most of the day by going round the CMD Arete. With great visibility it was nice to see many other perspectives of Ledge Route as we went round. A top day and more sunshine forecast tomorrow.

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