Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Denali West Buttress: 6/3 Team Norway: Cleary and 6/2: D'Allessio

We just heard from AMS guide Beth Cleary who is leading our June 3 Team Norway expedition.  Today they attempted to move to high camp, but were not able to make the move, so they are heading back to 14,200' camp today and then onward to base camp.  We expect them to arrive in base camp tomorrow or Saturday.  This team has worked hard and has a lot of time thus far on the mountain. It has been a very challenging year to attempt to climb Denali, we look forward to welcoming this team back!

The 16,200' ridge where Team Norway traveled today.

The fixed lines to 16,200' Team Norway ascended and descended this terrain today.

AMS expedition June 2 Team: lead by guide Nick D'Allessio remain at Basecamp waiting to fly from the glacier back to Talkeetna. The weather must be clear enough for flights to go in and out of the Alaska Range so we all remain patient until that happens!

Climbers moving camp in un-flyable weather aka the "ping pong" ball.

Climber crowds awaiting the weather to lift at basecamp.

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