Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Evening Mountain Update

Mike Hamill's team reached the top today! 2 team members turned back with guide, Greg Vernovage at Archdeacon's Tower at 19,650 feet, that's a great deal of work and a tremendous accomplishment in itself! Well done everyone! As of 8:00 pm they all had returned to the 17,200' high camp. They had a sunny, calm weather, but it was cold up there at 20,320' today. Everyone is well and they plan to be back in Talkeetna on Wednesday.

Rob Gowler called in. He and his team are having a great time and feeling well. Today they had a semi rest day and went back down to 9,800' to pick up their cache. Tonight they are eating "Mountain Pizza", a Denali meal Rob created many years back at AMS, and our teams have been enjoying it for years. It is tasty both in the mountains and at home, maybe if you're nice, he'll give you the recipe. :-) The team is planning on carrying some of their extra food, fuel and gear up toward Windy Corner tomorrow and caching it.

We expect Phil Ershler's team out tomorrow, Tuesday, June 30.

Colby Coombs and crew rested at 14,200' today and plan to make the move up to the high camp at 17,200' tomorrow, they are speedy!

We will get some photos up for you tomorrow.


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