Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

Another Course Departs and One Inbound

AMS Guide, Todd Tumolo and Becky King flew on to the Coffee Glacier for a 6- Day Mountaineering Course. Wow! What weather they are having!

Meanwhile; AMS Guide Melis Coady is hiking out of the Pika Glacier with two students on the 15 Day Mountaineering Course. They will be back tomorrow.

We are told that there are northern lights at night and beautiful alpine glow on the mountains in the morning.

Here at AMS we had a influx of guides finishing a round of film crew work for National Geographic.
We took a group photo of all that were on hand.

6 Day Students with Todd and Becky.

The kitchen was a popular place to hang today!

All hands on deck; front row: Rob, Betsy, Tim, Bill, Kirsten, Beth, Laura Larry, Travis
back row: Jeremiah, Tim, Caitlin, Megan, Mike, Josh

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