Senin, 13 Juli 2015

July Mountaineering Course

Melis, Larry & Leighan and their students Torin, Staci, Eric, Tom, Julia S., Julia B., Broc, and Mike are headed for the Eldridge Glacier in the Alaska Range for 12 days of much cooler weather! They packed today as the thermometer hit nearly 80 F in the shade.

They had a productive day and had time for some fixed line ascension with their climbing harnesses and glacier-rigged "racks", ready for classes in the field. They'll be setting up camp tonight and enjoying a hot meal. Here are some photos as they were getting ready to board the Otter. They're already having a good time! Click on the photos if you'd like a larger view.

Melis said they'll try to call in fairly often. Courses don't usually check in much, they are focused and busy. But Melis is famous for her long messages from her climbers on expedtions, so we figure we'll get more updates than normal. We'll post any news here! Watch for "Melis".
Cheers from sunny Talkeetna!

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