Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

Mt. Foraker, Sultana Ridge - 5/17, Coady

Guides Melis Coady and Josh Hoeschen along with Loren and Mary flew off to basecamp at the southeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier to being their Foraker Expedition today.  They are a small strong, well oiled machine and ready for this technical climb.  We are sure this will be a great time for them. 

Foraker stands 17,400 ft tall, last year a team led by Melis and Josh reached the summit.  It was the first guided summit in many, many years.  Judging by this strong team and with good luck with the weather, we believe they may have the same success.

Loren and Mary packing lunches
Loren, Guides Josh Hoeschen, Melis Coady, Mary

Mt. Foraker, Sultana Ridge on the right skyline.

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