Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Denali Prep/ Kahiltna Dome, 6/2, Senden

The AMS Denali Prep / Kahiltna Course lead by AMS instuctors Kirby Senden, Jake Kayes and Adam C.  departed this evening for Kahiltna glacier basecamp for a 10 day course in order to better prepare folks for future Denali climbs. This team was very excited to get out and learn a ton from their awesome instructors.

They will travel up to 9,800' on Kahiltna Pass and head West to attempt to summit the North Ridge of Kahiltna Dome sitting at about 12,525'.  Dr. Brad Washburn first climbed Kahiltna Dome in 1951 and claims that "The views from Kahiltna Dome are the best one could possibly have of Denali's West Buttress."

AMS team Adam, Greg, Tariq, Ray, Jake, Ruby, Varban, Preston, Melissa, Casey, and Kirby.

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