Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Denali Updates

Guides Nate Opp and Adam Fabrikant 5/25 Denali Expedition are at the 14,000 foot camp and doing well. Nate said that Todd Tumolo and Dusty Eroh, guides for Team Taiwan, pulled in about 7:30 pm last night.

All are doing well. Both teams did their back carry to 13,500 feet and now they are in camp and resting. Tomorrow they will either take a full day's rest or do a front carry to the 16K ridge, weather permitting.

Mark Postle's 5/27 team is like a well-oiled machine. They did a carry from 11K to the 13,500 cache and just returned to the 11K camp where they will get some sleep and then make the move to 14K tomorrow. He said the team is strong they are moving well. 

Keep in mind that all teams on the lower mountain are on a night schedule so they will sleep until about midnight and get on the route around 2:00 AM. Teams like to be in camp by 9:00 or 10:00 AM.

Here's photos of the landscape between 11 and 14K.

Setting up camp at 11K. Leveling tent sites and building walls is one of the main tasks when first arriving to a camp.

11K Camp from the air.

Practicing fixed line ascension at the 14K camp.

View of the "edge of the world" near 14K with Mount Foraker.

Coming up the fixed lines on the 16K ridge,

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