Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

DWB 6/2, Nick D'Alessio

AMS Guide Alex Stroud just called in and said that Nick and his team rolled into 14,200' camp today.  Nick reported good conditions between 11K and 14K camp.  There is a fair amount of fresh snow hence there is a deep trough of a trail between the two camps.

Alex said that Nick and his team looked strong as they arrived into 14K camp.

Alex said he might rather leave 14,200' camp in the morning after all, hoping for a little nicer traveling conditions.

Denali is all about being flexible and willing to change your mind/itinerary at the drop of a dime.  As soon as you have a plan the weather might just roll in and change everything.  We like to have contingency plans for our contingency plans.

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