Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

Melis at the Top and More... + Vince!

Yes, Melis and her crew did summit yesterday! It was a 16 hour day for them. They, as well as Kirby's crew, are heading down to 14 today and will start coming up with a plan for their return to Base Camp. Some teams do this in "death march" fashion, one very long day. We'll see if they decide to slow it down and set up camp somewhere along the way. Most of the time climbers "smell the barn" (or those caribou burgers Jon spoke of?) and are ready to march it out.

Nate's Upper West Rib group returned to Talkeetna yesterday - to sunny skies and lots of mosquitoes. Today is cloudy, so their timing was good.

Peter Anderson is thinking about doing a carry from 14 to 16,200 today, but may take a rest day instead and carry tomorrow. Phil's group is probably moving up to 14-camp today, but we haven't heard from them.

VINCE & PAT UPDATE - I forgot to add this one earlier - sorry! It was from early this morning.
"We are now back at 14 after an 8 hr hike back up from 7,600. We hiked with Leighan and Elliot. We will rest a day and then try to get onto Upper Rib.
Vince "

We haven't heard from anyone else today. Sounds like the weather is good above 8,000 feet, it's rainy here in town and not much flying happening. Sounds like 14-camp is the place to be tonight.

It's quiet on 3rd Street, but busy on Main Street in spite of the rain. Never let a little rain slow you down when you're visiting Alaska. Climbing season is winding down but there are still some great climbs out there.
Conditions are still good for Mountaineering Courses right through September.

We do still have space available on these 6 & 12-day Mountaineering Courses:
July 13-24 - One Space
August 3-8 - Two Spaces
August 10-21 - 6 Spaces
September 7-18 - lots of Space
September 14-19 - lots of Space

We also have space available on our weekend Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue Workshops:
July 18-19 - lots of Space
August 22-23 - lots of Space

Rob is shifting gears and getting ready for his West Buttress climb that launches next Tuesday. Caitlin & I will take over the blog while he's on the "hill".

Talkeetna Main Street on a rainy day. Add lots more pedestrians and a few more cars for an accurate image of today.

Ciao for now,

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