Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Denali West Buttress All Teams Update

It is 80 degrees in Talkeetna, finally we get summer!  The weather on The Mountain is just about perfect today.  Our climbers are all doing well and enjoying the weather and the beauty.

Guide Josh Hoeschen leading our 6/24 expedtion called in today with the updates.  His team is taking a well deserved rest day today and plan to move to high camp tomorrow.  Their carry to 16,200' went well.

View of 14,200 Camp

The 6/22 AMS/AMICAL team led by Noah Ronczwoski is going for the summit today!!! We will be waiting to hear from them later today.  His team is strong. and they are on thier way up now.  They have a great day for it!

Previous AMS Team on the summit Ridge of Denali
The 6/23 AMS/Mt. Professionals led by Melis Coady is moving to 17,200 high camp today.

AMS team enroute to 17,200' on the 16 Ridge.

High Camp, sun just at Denali pass, ropes laid out for travel in foreground.
The 6/25 Team led by Rob Gowler is carrying to 16,400' today.   We expect they will be moving to high camp in the next day or two, depending on the weather and how all are acclimatizing.   They are all doing very well!  They are enjoying their time at 14,200' camp with the AMS gang.

14,200' camp
Fixed Lines to 16,200'


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