Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

Denali West Buttress 4/27 - Corn Returns!!!

Guides Dan Corn and Noah Roczkowsi, Tyler, Markus, Ben and Richard returned from Denali last evening.  They are all in great spirits despite not being able to summit due to very high winds at and above high camp.  The spent a few days high camp 17,200 feet in exciting winds, it's pretty amazing and unique to be camped inside a lenticular cloud. 

Noah said that they and team loved the storms they experienced.  They had a great camp with home made thick snow walls, but the wind blew a bit of it down at times... When the walls blow down, you gotta get up out of the tent, fortify and rebuild the walls again and stake out the tents as they loosen up due to the strong gusts. 

This team worked hard and had and full on big mountain experience.  They arrived back in Talkeetna to warm summer weather with awesome big smiles.  WELL DONE GUYS! 

Guide Noah Roczkowski, Tyler, Markus, Ben, Guide Dan Corn, Richard

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