Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Denali updates

AMS guide Keith Sidle from Nate Opp's 5/23 West Buttress just called in with a few updates.

Nate Opp's team has just arrived at 14K.  The made the move in about 6 hours, which is a great time!  Keith said that the weather was clearing out a bit, but it still seemed blustery up high.

Keith said that they saw a lot of teams trying to make the move to high camp today but many of them were turned around by bad weather.

AMS private expedition led by Forest Wagner mad the carry all the way to 14K today.  They will either move to 14 camp tomorrow or rest at 11 and try to move the following day.

The Denali Traverse led by Dustin English carried to the Windy corner today too.

West Buttress 5/25 AG/AMS Led by Alex Stroud also made a carry to Windy Corner today as well.

After teams have carried to or around Windy Corner they are ready to make the move to 14.  Many teams rest the following day and some teams make the move.  We'll let you know as soon as we know any more.

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