Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

More updates

Greg Collins & Dan Corn called from Windy Corner a bit ago. They are caching there and plan to move to 14-camp tomorrow. They asked for some weather info. Greg said "Everything is perfect, everyone is strong, it's going great."

Kirby Senden and Russell Hunter
called this morning with a quick word. They were at 9,100 feet planning to move to 11,000 feet. "Everybody is great, super strong".

The Kahiltna Dome/Denali Prep Mountaineering Course begins today! Greg Runyan and Matt Lee are instructor-guides for this team. They have been packing, much like they would for a Denali expedition, and will get the team involved today. Everyone has their gear spread out and will go through it soon. They will also get to pack their lunches like we do for a Denali expedition, Greg & Matt have already packed the other meals. Once they have everything packed and ready, they will fly to Base Camp on the Kahiltna and travel up the West Buttress Route, like an expedition. Along the way they will practice all the skills one would need for the entire route. Their goal will be Kahiltna Dome, which is 12,525 feet high; a "left turn" from the West Buttress Route. Legendary explorer Bradford Washburn said that the views from the top of the Dome are outstanding. We hope the conditions will be right to allow this team to climb it and enjoy the spectacular views of Denali and the Alaska Range.
Cheers from Talkeetna,
~Blogger Julia

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