It is still fairly windy up there Wx. forecasts are calling for some more off the same. We don't necessarily listen to these forecasts as they are often wrong. I hear they have been a bit more accurate this season.. The meteorologists have been getting better or luckier.

Greg Collins, Rupert and Dan Corn are partway along the 16 ridge on their way to 17K, High Camp. I have mentioned previously that not all groups are able to move at the same pace or at the same time. Some groups may even be able to travel when others are unable. This is one of those situations. Greg's crew is exceptionally strong. While the other groups up there could also be very strong, Greg's group has the advantage of two guides and one strong client. [Update] Greg made it to 17 and is doing fine. Moderate to strong winds and snow blowing sideways. Socked in below.
These days are especially hard on the guides and teams who choose to remain in camp and wait for better weather. Denali can and does dish out some pretty harsh conditions. Believe me when I say it is usually better to be safe than sorry. Greg is one of the most experienced mountain guides in the country and he knows withy out a doubt what he can and cannot do up there. The other guides also know what they can and cannot do up there and I know that they are all making the correct decisions for their group's abilities.
Tim Hewette, Tom Torkelson are still down at 11K I have not yet heard if it is good enough for them to carry or move higher [14k] today. Operation Denali will be leaving in the morning for 7,800' camp.
Kirsten Kremer, Elliot Gaddy are packing for the Kahiltna Dome?Denali Prep Expedition and Vince Anderson is doing last minute preparations for his and Patricia's Complete West Rib of Denali Expedition.
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