Operation Denali is already at the bottom of Ski Hill. Haven't talked to Kirby yet, but I see from their SPOT they're in camp.
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Here's a photo of a camp at 7,800 feet. Kirby and his gang will start double carrying loads to the top of Ski Hill tomorrow. They will double carry their stuff the rest of the way up the mountain. They single carried to the bottom of Ski Hill because there is not much elevation gain but it is quite far distance wise. If they double carried this camp they would do 20 miles in 2 days on the section of the route that has the most amount of crevasses.
Greg Collins just called in from high camp. He was looking for wx updates. He said that now that he moved up, lots of people followed. He didn't know whether any other AMS groups moved up behind him. It's hard to make the move to 17K late in the day from 14 because it can get super cold up there and if people roll into 17 camp tired it is really hard to stay warm as well as lend a hand building camp for a few hours if there are no walls to move into.
Greg is hoping to be able to go for the summit in the morning.
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