Nate Opp AKA "Special Opp" called in from 10,000 feet today. His group, the upper ribbers, are doing well. They were doing a back carry from 11K. That means that they rolled in to 11 yesterday. George says hi top Karen, Ben says hi to Nicky and Nate says hi to Purcy. He did say that is was quite windy.
Kirby and Operation Denali are also moving to 11 today. I just heard that from Nate. It's flyable today in and out of the range, it is travelable on lower parts of the mountain, but not on the upper mountain. Here's a picture looking down fron 11K toward the 10,000 foot basin where Nate called from and where Kirby and his boys and Girl are. I just got a SPOT message from them saying that all is well and they are in c amp at 11.

While all of the climbers up on Denali have been training for months, or years, have done training climbs and mountaineering courses and etc., they are still in training. Every thing they do and learn on their way up the mountain is all for getting ready to go to the upper mountain. Many groups do not even get to the upper mountain. Even lower elevations on on Denali can dish out some of the worst weather most anyone will ever encounter in their lives. Some storms at 11K have been known to destroy 70% of the tents in camp.

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